Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Year

2013 is the first year since 1987 to have 4 different numbers in it.  I did not come up with that myself. 

Instead of resolutions, I try to set reachable goals each year.  Or at least a couple years that I actually cared.  Because I dont always care.  Especially those years that started off with a tiny baby and very little sleep.  But since my baby is 3 now (sad face), I have more time to think about real life.  To be honest, I think I'd rather be taken over by little baby-ness.  That's probably just me.

Anyways.  For 2012, my goal was to post something that I was thankful for for every single day of the year.  So many people post things in November, because Thanksgiving reminds people to appreciate what they have.  Even if it's just the super vague "I'm thankful for family."  But I wanted to focus on the little things that I am truly thankful for all year.  Things like a random warm day in a cold season so I can hang laundry outside.  Or my Sunday afternoon naps and time at MOPS (I'm ALWAYS thankful for those!).  Or an easy trip to the grocery store or an awesome find at Goodwill.  And I did it!  Some days I missed and had to make up for, and some days were not easy and I would just stare at the screen completely frazzled by the day trying to remember something that happened that didnt make me want to pull my hair out (that didnt happen too often, dont worry).  Most days I had more than one thing that just made my day a little happier... because I took the time to notice it. 

So this year, I need to be more productive.  I am not not naturally organized or self motivated.  When I work on a project, the instinct to clean up completely when finished is just not there.  I dont know why. But I married a neat freak that doesnt usually want to help with the day-to-day stuff but goes crazy when things are a mess.  Which they usually are. 

I have a number of smaller projects that I want/need to get done.  I dont really want to do them, I just want them to be done.  Knowing that I probably wont find the best way to organize things to save space, etc doesnt help.  I'm also not crafty- at all- but I am hoping to try to work some crafts into these projects to help.  Simple things like wrapping boxes so they are cuter to put things in.

So I came home one night after working in the Nativity and Jesse had made up a list of things for me to do to get the whole house clean by Christmas.  At first I was not happy because it was going to be super not fun.  And each day's project had to be done before I could go to bed.  But I knew I really had no choice so I sucked it up and got to work.  He let me move some things around to make things a little easier.  Like when the kids had a half day of school to start out their Winter Break, I made that the day to clean their rooms so they could help.  And by could I mean I made them do a lot of the work.  His idea worked and everything but the kitchen was clean by Christmas.  And I did it with a happy heart, so it's extra bonus- with plenty of time before bedtime.  So now, I just have to maintain.  Not easy for me, but I'm learning.  I am already feeling less overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done though, so it's worth it.  And it will leave more time for my extra projects.  And it's making Jesse happier. 

Ok.  So I'm hoping that part of my productiveness will also lead to more blog posts.  But I make no promises. Feel free to ask me about what I've been getting done and/or tell me to post.  And have no worries about my family being neglected because of me focusing on getting things done.  That's a separate post about why that could never happen ;) 

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