The idea for this came up a while ago and I started my into but never finished it because I didn't have any pictures to post yet. Well I'm still the worst at that, but I have time right now to get this going, so I thought I would update the intro that I have and go with it.
First. There are 3 short people that live here that I'm sure will regularly make an appearance.
Alex is 7 and just finished first grade. He is super outgoing and kind of a genius (though thankfully not prodigy level). He talks as much as I do, but has the love of nerdness and reading like his dad. He played baseball this year and loved every second of it. I'm super excited to have him home this summer.
The second is our only girl, Danica. She's a spunky one. I take a little offense when people say her attitude comes from her red hair ;). Can people be diagnosed as bipolar when they are 4 and a half? She sings when she's happy and it warms my heart. She has food allergies (some severe, but some outgrown) and living with that will surely make it's way onto here. She started out at 3 lb 3.5 ounces but is a giant in our home. She LOVES dirt and flowers and all things outside.
Our #3 is Tristan. He is 2 and a half and has yet to figure out how to contain his excitement for simply being alive. He's obsessed with the people he loves, but is the shy one around those he doesn't know well. He is hilarious and destructive and thinks he's my shadow.
The husband, Jesse, is funny and big and keeps me grounded. He supports my crazy experiments as long as I don't make him do them, too. And sometimes he doesn't initially support them, but once he's more used to it, prefers 'my' way of doing it. He's from Michigan- we met in college. Aww. He is super smart and is underpaid to work on famous people's computers all day.
I grew up next door to where we live now. I aim to glorify God in everything I do. I often fail, but it's always my goal.
Family comes first (under God) no matter what.
While I'm always working on ways to make life healthier and more natural, I don't want to get so far into it that I cant enjoy other food. I. LOVE. FOOD. I love to eat out. I love church group dinners and family dinners and having people over that I don't want to scare away by being overly healthy. I love carbs. I have self-control issues with chocolate. Seriously. But I also love my juicer and the garden and eating as many fresh foods as I can.
So now. It's the middle of July and we don't have central air. Most of the time I don't even care. I apologize if I see you in real life and I'm a hot sweaty mess, but most of the time I don't even notice until people I don't see every day are around.
I've decided that people notice the heat more when they complain about it. Once you start complaining, you also focus on the thing that is making you unhappy. Get over it and eventually you wont notice it as much.
That being said. I do have to make sure that the kids stay hydrated. Especially Alex. He randomly get overheated and throws up. Most of the time he doesn't say anything about being hot until he starts getting sick from it. He's been pretty good lately about drinking a ton of water- I don't know if he is consciously trying to avoid getting sick, or if he's just learning to listen to his body better. Either way, I like this way better. :)
Last year, we planted a garden and I was pretty good about keeping it weeded until we went on vacation in August when there was a bunch of rain (that started with a storm that hit about 20 minutes into our trip (I drove through it) and knocked the power out here for 4 days or something- we totally missed that part!) and then it got super overgrown. So. Trying to avoid that this year, we took our vacation early. (Also because we had a wedding to go to in Michigan so we just did it all at the same time.) Except it rained a whole bunch and my garden got overgrown AGAIN. So most nights after the kids are in bed, I go out and weed until it's dark. Sometimes it's 15 minutes, if I get the kids in bed 'on time' I get almost an hour. You can definitely tell where I've worked and what I haven't gotten to yet. It's embarrassing, but I'm working on it.
Weeding gives me time to be quiet. I'm not good at being quiet. And I'm not usually good at being alone. But I know it's good for me sometimes. I love summer evenings and I kind of love dirt, so to go out there by myself and sit in the dirt and sing in my head or think about thing that are going on or pray is a perfect way to unwind from my day. I think it's one of the reasons I love having a garden so much.
I think that's a good start on things. A lot of my point in this blog is keep our far-away family and friends updated on life. But we are always making new friends- even far-away one- so I guess this can be a little get-to-know-us thing, too. Plus, I like sharing about the new things I learn and do. Especially when 'normal' people think it's crazy. hehe
And I will do my best at keeping up with this! Please be patient with me though!